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Corporation Tax
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Corporation tax is a tax on a company’s profits. It is payable by UK limited companies and non-UK limited companies with a UK branch or office. Profits that are taxable could be from:
- Business (trading profits)
- Investments (eg property income, interest, dividends)
- Capital gains (gains made from selling assets for more than they cost)
At Oury Clark we can help you in all areas of this tax, including:
- Corporation tax registration
- Annual computations and returns
- Certificates of residence
- Managing payment deadlines
- CT61s: income tax returns
- Efficient use of losses
- Corporation tax enquiries and disputes
- Efficient Corporation tax planning for groups, including mergers, demergers and reconstructions
- Special reliefs/claims (eg Research and Development credit, Video Games Tax relief. Substantial Shareholdings Exemption)
- Permanent establishment advice
- Transfer pricing