It’s May, and it’s hard to move without bumping into a bank holiday. Oury and Clark are here to provide you with some light entertainment (and advice about the importance of auditors) to help you enjoy your long weekends.
Have you heard the news? Actually you can’t have missed it, it’s been all over the media around the world.
The King’s Coronation? of course I have Oury, I’ve already started prepping my quiche.
Oh I expect they have an army of robots or something. Of course, in the old days they’d have had an actual army.
That’s true. On a different note I have some sound advice for you for this weekend.
I’m all ears.
Don’t forget to check which day your bins go out, and make sure you check whether it’s recycling week or not.
You’re always on the money Oury, have a marvellous May weekend.
And the same to you and all of our friends and clients lucky enough to have an extra day off.
We are but two fictitious characters throwing out ideas and comment to stimulate debate and collect information. As professional service firms, we are open-minded people and think independent thought and debate are essential to help us understand as well as navigate complex problems. By joves – doing business across Europe (and the world) is set to become a whole lot more complex in light of recent seismic political events. As businesses – we provide information and hopefully some wisdom – and we see this blog and its caricatures merely as a much more fun, perhaps slightly controversial, way of stimulating debate and collecting ideas. We’re searching for some true pearls of wisdom, and as we find them, we’ll share them with you.
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